Best Practices for Your Dashboard
As a follow-up to yesterday's post, here are somewhat edited best practices for designing a business performance dashboard. They come from "Best Practices for Using WebSphere Business Modeler and Monitor" and are well-worth consideration (as are all the best practices covered in the document).First, keep in mind that you want to end up with a dashboard for which the answers to all of the following questions are in the affirmative:
- Does the dashboard provide decision makers with relevant performance-related data and facts?
- Does the information inform the end user as to what actions are required to keep operations on track?
- Does the information make it clear when no action is required?
- Does the information make it clear when particular values are good or bad so that the end user knows whether he/she has to be concerned?
- Does the information help the end user optimize the business or identify a performance issue?
Next is a set of additional guidelines for your dashboard and its use:
- Executives should not be the first to drive action from what they see on the dashboard. By the time it gets to them, subordinates should already be working the problem.
- Generally, a dashboard should focus on a single user role. Do not cross roles in the dashboard unless necessary (for example, when the users want to be able to see both a business and an IT view of performance).
- A portal displaying your dashboard should be task-based. Do not mix a lot of news portlets, stock tickers, instant messages, and so forth, with portlets with business content. Create separate pages for like-content.
- Watch out for portlets on a page that should be connected (for example, because all show the West Region). If they should be connected by shared information, be sure to identify this.
- Only show a trend if you can reasonably get trend data and it makes sense in-context. Make sure the trend symbol is understandable.
- Symbology should be consistent across all of your dashboards.
- Do not overcrowd the dashboard. Five to nine elements is a good rule of thumb because people, on average, can handle only about seven items at a time. (A group of related elements can be considered a single element.)
- Limit the use of red and amber (bad and near-bad) results on the screen. The dashboard is supposed to be pro-active, allowing users to head off problems. A dashboard designed so that it often shows red and amber can come across as accommodating reactive behavior.
- Make sure charts and graphs have clearly understood meaning and units of measure.
- Make legends available as hyperlinks or flyovers. This helps keep your display uncluttered.
- Consider providing data annotations for out-of-norm values so that everyone knows that any such values are being addressed.
- Have colleagues and end users give the dashboard design a stringent review. In light of their feedback, perfect the design before taking the dashboard live.
Labels: Decision-making, Management practices, Systems thinking
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