!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Streamline Training & Documentation: A Vivid Preview of US Air Force Basic Training

Monday, March 08, 2010

A Vivid Preview of US Air Force Basic Training

You can find voluminous information about the US Air Force at www.af.mil, but if you want to check out the really cool stuff, the place to go is www.airforce.com.

Thanks to the March/April issue of Communications Arts magazine, I'm now aware of the immensely engaging and informative section of airforce.com devoted to detailing what happens during Air Force basic training. You can access this section here.

You'll find that the navigation is organized according to the eight full weeks recruits spend in basic training:

Week 1 — Fall In

Week 2 — Basic War Skills

Week 3 — Combat Lifesaving

Week 4 — Countering the Threat

Week 5 — Ready to Fight

Week 6 — The Beast (Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training — field exercises and combat scenarios)

Week 7 — Airmanship

Week 8 — Graduation

Each week's material includes a video overview, a short inspirational blurb (accessed by mousing over an image on the screen representing the week's focus), video comments from a Military Training Instructor, still photos, and a summary of the schedule for the week.

The site also provides guidance on how to prepare for basic training (e.g. what to study in advance, what to pack, and what not to pack).

On every screeen a visitor is one click away from launching an online chat with an "advisor" or launching a tool for finding the nearest Air Force recruiter.

Visitors can also:
  • click on "See What It's Like" to access video on such activities as combat search and rescue, serving on a bomb squad, and special ops.

  • try various interactive features, such as "Train a Military Working Dog," "Refuel a Plane," "Launch a Rocket into Space," and "Fly with the Thunderbirds."

  • play simulation games
The basic training section of airforce. com is the handiwork of GSD&M Idea City.


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