"If you ain't cheatin', you ain't trying hard enough"
This lengthy report from today's Boston Globe scarcely requires comment:"Army Knew of Cheating on Tests for Eight Years"
The title of my post comes from a paragraph near the end of the report:
Sergeant Daniel Meridieth said in an e-mail that his superior officer directed him to ShamSchool. "I got the Web address from my platoon sergeant, who suggested it as a 'study guide.' And my first sergeant has said many times that 'If you ain't cheatin', you ain't trying hard enough,' " a catchphrase that also appears frequently on the message boards of the cheating websites.You can read ShamSchool's own version of its history here.
I believe it is fair to say that this Army situation is to good training practice what The Devil's Dictionary is to good lexicography.
Labels: Evaluation of training, Military training, Professionalism
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