Is/Is Not Analysis
When I first encountered Is/Is Not analysis some years ago, it struck me immediately as a particularly useful tool in various situations in which careful analysis is needed. For instance, if you're trying to answer the question, "What business are we in?" creating a two column Is/Is Not worksheet, and then listing in benefit terms what you do offer customers, and what you do not, can help bring your business's scope into clear focus.Most often, Is/Is Not analysis is used in problem-solving. The purpose is to sharpen the definition of the issue that needs to be resolved. Those working the problem answer these questions:
- Who is/is not affected?
- What are/are not symptoms of the problem?
- When is the problem observed/not observed?
- Where does the problem occur/not occur?
- What does/does not make a difference in how quickly and efficiently we accomplish our objectives?
The value of Is/Is Not analysis for problem solving is that it helps insure both that the right problem is investigated, and that the root causes of the problem are identified.
Labels: Decision-making
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