"The Baseline Scenario"
If you would like to visit a site on the current global economic crisis that is regularly updated by a team of three experts, you can go to The Baseline Scenario.Simon Johnson (professor of entrepreneurship at MIT's Sloan School of Management), Peter Boone (chair of Effective Intervention), and James Kwak (a student at Yale Law School) explain:
The goal of The Baseline Scenario is to present a considered view of the key issues facing the global economy that is rapidly updated as new information and events arise. To that end, we publish an extended Baseline Scenario position on a weekly basis. During the week, we use the blog to develop positions, comment on events, and highlight other perspectives that we find worthwhile.JBK's current baseline scenario is here.
The most recent blog posts are on The Baseline Scenario's homepage. The blog posts fall into several categories:
- Comments to help beginners
- Posts useful for teachers
- Commentary on current developments
- External perspectives (ideas offered by people other than JBK)
- Interviews by JBK
- Op-ed and other articles authored/co-authored by JBK
- Responses to reader questions
Labels: Business acumen, Conflict management, Learning resources
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