What the Fed Has Been Up To
With all the attention being paid to the what the Federal Reserve can and should do as tens of thousands of subprime mortgage borrowers are threatened with foreclosure, it makes sense to take advantage of the explanatory material being made available on the Web.An excellent example is the Q&A posted August 15 at Vox by Stephen Cecchetti, a professor of global finance at Brandeis' International Business School, and formerly Executive VP and director of research at the New York Fed. (After clicking on the Q&A link, you may have to scroll down to get to Prof. Cecchetti's text.)
Prof. Cecchetti added a follow-up post on August 27. (Again, you may have to scroll down.)
You can listen to an August 10 NPR interview with Prof. Cecchetti concerning the problems in the US mortgage market here (mp3).
Learning the fundamentals of what the Fed has been doing to try to support a return to normal functioning of the credit markets will give you a grounding of knowledge on which to build as you hear and read about market developments in coming months.
Labels: Business acumen, Learning resources
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