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Friday, August 03, 2007

Competency Models at www.careeronestop.org

The Competency Model Clearinghouse at www.careeronestop.org is valuable for anyone wanting to get up to speed on how to make intelligent use of competency models.

Starting with basics, the FAQ provides definitions (here somewhat adapted):
Competency — the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successfully perform "critical work functions" or tasks in a defined work setting.

Competency model — contains descriptions of multiple competencies that are needed to perform successfully in a defined setting.
  • Typically, competency models describe competencies that are common across an occupational group or industry, an organization, or workplace. The focus is on the knowledge, skills and abilities that have the most impact on effectiveness and productivity.

  • Competency models can take a variety of forms. Typically, they include: competency names and detailed definitions, descriptions of activities or behavior associated with each competency, and frequently, a diagram of the model to help users quickly grasp the key features of the competencies required.

  • Models articulate the business and industry requirements that are essential components for the development of curriculum, skill assessment instruments, and certifications. Competency models also facilitate the development of career pathways and career lattices providing the framework for career advancement.
Skill standard — specifies the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities required for success in the workplace. Skill standards serve as the basis for measurement criteria to assess competency attainment.
For an example of a CareerOneStop competency model, you can look at the model for financial services. There are also full-blown models for the retail industry and advanced manufacturing.

Click here for an explanation
of the competency model graphic above.

1 The US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration sponsors CareerOneStop (COS) through a grant to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. COS is a suite of national electronic workforce tools that "serves as a single point of entry for employers, job seekers, learners, and workforce professionals to access a rich repository of career, workforce, and other related information." (XPAND Corp.) You can use the search function to search for resources such as curriculum, assessment instruments, skill standards, apprenticeship work process schedules, and certification requirements.


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