A Rich Collection of Training Exercises
The pdf document here is addressed to people learning to do motivational interviewing, but many of the exercises it contains can be readily adapted to training on other topics.As one example, I'll mention one of my favorites, the list of sentence stems suggested for eliciting constructive feedback on a training program. The sentence stems are:
I learned __________ .
I relearned __________ .
I gained __________ .
I appreciated __________ .
One thing that surprised me was __________ .
I could use [skill X] to __________ .
One thing I hope we cover before this training is over is __________ .
I am more confident now that I can __________ .
When I get back to work, I can't wait to try __________ .
Something I wanted more of was __________ .
Training participants should complete the stems individually, and then on a voluntary basis share their feedback with the rest of the group.
Note that all of the stems are basically positive in tone. Tracy Wyman, who contributed the exercise to the collection, recommends seeking negative feedback in written form (e.g., responses to the question, "What parts of the course did not work well? How could they be improved?) in order not to end the training on a down note.
Labels: Coaching, Communication, Learning resources
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