Fundamental Questions for Talent Management
Development Dimensions International has put together a booklet encapsulating their take on best practice in talent management. Two sections I found particularly handy list fundamental questions an organization must answer in order to have a coherent talent management strategy and ensure that needed talent is developed.First, slightly edited, five questions to help in clarifying the organization's talent management strategy:
- What are the pressing business drivers for developing our talent?
- What business value should we expect if we're successful at talent management?
- What will determine leadership success and failure in our organization?
- Are we prepared to differentiate focus and investment in our employees based on their leadership potential? If not, why not?
- What actions do we take to improve our talent?
- What are our most significant business challenges?
- Do we have a sufficient pipeline of talent to address these challenges?
- What may be happening in three to five years that would affect the number and type of leaders we need in order to be successful?
- Where are our most significant leadership gaps? (E.g., you may have enough potential leaders to drive innovation and product development, but too few to handle the organization's anticipated global assignments.)
- How are regular talent audits integrated into our business and strategic planning process?
Labels: Employee development, Leadership, Management practices
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