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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Laughter is the Best Medicine VII

As you can tell from this earlier post, I'm on the side of those who believe there is such a thing as a stupid question. At the same time, I certainly advocate giving someone who raises a dubious question the benefit of the doubt.

I was reminded of all this as I was looking at Chris Whitten's WikiAnswers website. He includes a page that lists "Amusing Questions." All of the questions do invite laughter, but a lot of them can also be read as sincere. For instance, when somebody asks "What kind of skills do you need to become an opera singer?" my instinct, which I'm sure is typical for teachers and trainers, is to say, "Excellent question. Let's talk about that."

Still, as I read down the list, I couldn't help smiling at many of the items. Some of my favorites:

How long does it take to get to the moon from Canada?

What illnesses will someone face in the future if they have recently stopped eating cement?

Can you purchase a life insurance policy on your ex-husband who is ill?

Would it be weird to name your son Sparkplug?

How can you get your Ford Escort to start if your dad has disabled it?

Was the first steam engine invented?

Are there any websites that list celebrities who are willing to date people who are not celebrities?

What are all the events that happened in Europe during World War 2?

How do you get addicted to rocks?

Can the mortgage company evict you and force you to sleep under the interstate bridge?

Does smoking a cockroach give a high?

What do you do if your husband left you and now lives with another woman and is engaged to her but you are pregnant and he wants you to wait for him?

Were there any important people places or events having to do with World War 2 that begin with the letter X?

If your 1998 Regency just started to blow cold and overheat could it be because you put some chicken oil in the coolant tank?


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