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Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Platform for Developing Custom Simulations

In two earlier posts, I looked at use of simulations in military training. I've now become aware of a Maryland company's effort to interest civilian businesses in using simulation tools that are based on technology the company originally created for military decision-making and training projects.

The PC-based mōsbē Lite Simulation Development Platform, created by BreakAway Ltd includes a simulation engine, authoring tools, and a variety of modifiable "assets" that enable users to create their own simulated worlds, environments and scenarios. Judging from the examples provided at their website, most of the currently available ready-made assets are military in nature (eg., armored transport vehicles); I will be checking to see how rapidly BreakAway builds a reasonably comprehensive portfolio of assets more suited to civilian scenarios.

The mōsbē platform is sold on a license basis, with licenses ranging from simply allowing a user to participate in a simulation, to equipping a developer with the full array of tools for creating simulations.

